Maxime Raulin in Toulouse - published on December 14, 2024 at 06:30 am

Early December, Ange Capuozzo welcomed us to his home in Toulouse. For nearly an hour, the wing-back (25, 23 caps) looked back on the dark days of December 2023, at the end of his first World Cup with Italy. The desire, pleasure and emotions were no longer there. He did not suffer from depression in the true sense of the word (see box), but agreed to talk about the delicate subject of mental health, which is still taboo in the world of rugby. He also wanted to speak out to show that top-level athletes have weaknesses too. With this strong message: "There is always a way out!

You returned to the club, but then suffered a thigh injury (six weeks' absence). You're going through a dark period...
Several weeks, yes... You also need to put things into context. I'd been away from home for three months, almost non-stop with my partners in the Italian national team, during which time you give your all to this goal. From one day to the next, everything stopped. It was very difficult to get back into everyday life. It was also difficult to talk about it, to get it out in the open.

Because there's more to it than that. Complaining about it could be likened to a rich person's problem...

When did you realize that you were going through a difficult period psychologically?
Not right away. Deep down I knew, but I didn't say anything. I didn't allow myself to go through something like that. I had no right to.

Because you're a top-level sportsman and you have to look strong?
No, rugby doesn't impose this notion of virility. It was a form of humility towards those who are struggling more than I am, with health and financial problems. I didn't want to complain when I'd just been through a World Cup and was playing for the best club in the world.

So the image that rugby players project is far removed from reality...
We're a reflection of society. As in other sectors and professions, the problems encountered in a club are the same: human relationships, the pressure to achieve results. All these sensitive issues, present in companies, can be transposed to a rugby team. What's more, the media exposure, whether positive or negative, has a huge impact. It generates emotions. Social networks bring a lot of positives, but also dangers. Our mental health is put to the test.